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Pages 1 - 10 of 15 with tag "software"

Testing better with coverage and tox

May 14, 2011

I've got a little bit of downtime at the moment, and I'm determined to spend it keeping my Python skills and projects up to date. First on the list: testing.

Almost all of my open-source projects come with automated tests of some kind. Some are woefully under-tested (m2wsgi, myppy) while others have collected a test case for just about every feature (pyenchant, esky). But they could all stand to benefit from a little more testing discipline.

If you have any of your own python projects, ask yourself: do they work on older versions of python? How about on 2.7? On 3.2? How about on Windows or OSX? Are you sure?

I want to be able to answer a confident yes to all these questions, so I'm embarking on a rather ambitious plan over the coming months: full test suites, with 100% code coverage, tested on Linux, Windows and OSX, across python 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2.


Hatchet: hack frozen PySide apps down to size

February 07, 2011

If you've seen any of my latest python projects, you know that I spend a lot of time thinking about freezing python programs – taking a python script and packaging it up into a stand-alone application that can be deployed to an end user. My latest quest has been freezing an application that uses PySide for its GUI, and trying to make the resulting distribution bundle as small as possible. The result is a neat little tool called Hatchet.

This post is part motivational, part example. I'll show you a basic "hello world" app in PySide, take you through the process of freezing it into a stand-alone application, then show how to use Hatchet to shrink the distribution down to a manageable size. If that seems a little too academic for you, consider this for real-world motivation: using the techniques shown in this post, I was able to chop over 40MB off of the SaltDrive application bundle for Mac OSX.


PyEnchant: now with OSX!

August 17, 2010

The latest release of PyEnchant now contains an experimental binary distribution for OSX, as both an mpkg installer and a python egg. In theory, users on OSX 10.4 or later should be able to just drop pyenchant-1.6.3-py2.6-macosx-10.4-universal.egg somewhere on sys.path and be up and running and spellchecking with ease.

If you're a Mac user, please try it out and let me know if anything doesn't work the way you expect.


Starting Faster for Frozen Python Apps

July 21, 2010

I've just spent a few days trying to improve the performance of a frozen Python app - specifically, the time it takes to start up and present a login window. Most of the improvements were down to good old-fashioned writing of better code, but I also put together a couple of tricks to help shave off even more milliseconds. They both target one of the major sources of slowness when starting up a Python app: imports.


A GIL Adventure (with a happy ending)

February 05, 2010

I just halved the running time of one of my test suites.

The tests in question are multi-threaded, and while they perform a lot of IO they still push the CPU pretty hard. For some time now, nose has been reporting a happy little message along these lines:

Ran 35 tests in 24.893s

I wouldn't have though anything of it, but every so often this number would drop dramatically – often down to as little as 15 seconds. After a lot of puzzling, I realised that the tests would run faster whenever I had another test suite running at the same time. Making my computer work harder made these tests run almost twice as fast!


New Python module: extprot

August 04, 2009

One of my commercial projects requires a space-efficient object serialisation format, and until now I've been using the obvious choice in Google's Protocol Buffers. I'm happy enough with the format itself, but the experience of using the Python bindings was just barely satisfactory. The interface feels quite Java-ish and there are some non-obvious gotchas, such as having to use special methods to manipulate list fields. I ploughed ahead, but was quietly looking around for alternatives.

The last straw came when I tried to establish a deployment scheme using pip requirements files. Both pip install protobuf and easy_install protobuf fail hard: the pypi eggs are out of date, the source download has a non-standard structure, and the script tries to bootstrap itself using the protobuf compiler that it assumes you have already built. Yuck. This was more pain than I was willing to put up with. Plus it was a good opportunity to take another look around.


XML Namespace Selectors for jQuery

May 22, 2009

I hit my first real roadbump with jQuery yesterday, a missing feature that really made me stop and stare in puzzlement: jQuery doesn't support xml-namespace selectors. Since I'm trying to parse WebDAV response bodies, and such documents make extensive use of namespaces, it's quite the issue for me. Or rather, it was quite the issue – read on if you're interested in the details, or just download my solution if you're impatient.


Forking EC2 instances for Mozart/Oz

January 29, 2009

My long-standing obsession with Mozart/Oz is no secret, but I often find it difficult to articulate precisely why I'm so fascinated by the language. I never seem to make much headway by describing the power and elegance of its novel control structures such as first-class computation spaces – which, by the way, I would rank right up there with continuations on the list of "language features that sound useless but are actually incredibly powerful"...but instead of going down that esoteric road, let me demonstrate a short and eminently useful little hack that I put together last week, one which really highlights the power of the Mozart platform.


Testing file uploads in Django

January 28, 2009

Following my previous post on testing Django with Windmill, I quickly ran into a common snag with in-browser web app testing: it's not possible to programmatically set the value of file input fields. This makes it very difficult to test file upload functionality using frameworks such as Windmill or Selenium.

In Firefox it's possible to request elevated permissions for your unit tests, but this is far from ideal. It means the tests are no longer automatic (you have to click "yes, grant this page extra permissions" whenever the tests are run) and it takes other browsers out of the testing loop. Like many things in life, the easiest solution seems to be simply to fake it.


Troubleshooting Remote Connections in Mozart

January 23, 2009

The Mozart/Oz programming language provides a comprehensive distributed programming subsystem, and when it works, it's a thing of great power and elegance. But when it doesn't work, it tends to fail out with error messages that are exceedingly unhelpful. This is particularly troubling if you're working with a high-level abstraction such as Parallel Search – the error messages are far removed from the code that you're actually writing.

Inspired by a recent request for help on the mozart-users mailing list, I've decided to compile a quick troubleshooting guide for Mozart remote connections. And when I say "quick" I really mean it - there's only two steps but they can solve a lot of common problems with getting the distributed programming subsystem up and running.